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The Child with a Heart of Gold, OzzyBee says “The Smiles on Their Faces Made my Day”

ozzybee | June 12, 2020

Nigeria teenage music icon, Prince Oziomachukwu Favour Mojekwu a.k.a OzzyBee has been a forerunner in supporting the less privileged especially at this critical time. During the biting period of the Coronavirus lockdown, he was on the streets of Lagos sharing food and other materials to the vulnerable.

The date 12th June 2020 was very remarkable in his home town, Nnewi when the 13-year-old extended his hands of LOVE to widows and widowers of Ezeoguine Royal Family who were overjoyed as they received his COVID-19 palliatives in cash and kind.

He was backed by OzzyBosco Smile Foundation and HRH Igwe Dr KON Orizu III (Igwe Nnewi) ably represented by the Crown Prince (Ochendo Nnewi). The event which took place in Igwe’s Palace was in support of the working Governor of Anambra State, H.E Chief Willie Maduabuchi Obiano’s efforts to alleviate the sufferings of the masses. He was well represented by some Senior Special Assistants led by Hon Nnamso Nwafor-Orizu (Youth Entrepreneurship/Mobilization). Also present also was the CEO of Innoson Motors Ltd, Chief Innocent Chukwuma, CEO Gabros Groups Inter’l, Chief Gabriel Chukwuma, and other notable personalities.

Despite the young man’s unavoidable absence, Team OzzyBee ensured his mission was fully accomplished, to the glory of GOD.

@willieobiano @officialinnosonvehicles

Written by ozzybee

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