Ozzybee’s Captivating performance at Loral school

Loral group of schools registered an awesome end of year celebration as OzzyBee a.k.a OzzyBosco WonderKid coloured the atmosphere with his awesome presence.
In the event which is better described as the most exciting one in the lives of the kids in the school, their parents and a host of dignitaries as most of them beheld their dazzling star OzzyBee for the first time, was a sight to behold.
Shortly after arrival, MummyBee the ever supportive backbone of the STOP CHILD CRUELTY corona mounted the stage to deliver an astounding speech. Employing the parents to toe the line of skill development in children at tender age, she challenged them to discover the OzzyBee in their various home. After her very well applauded speech, the young star OzzyBee steps out blazing with love for the little kids present.
He made a stirring speech about his pet project STOP CHILD CRUELTY and how it has touched the lives of children, including Usman Sadiq the 4yr old kid whose eyes were brutally used for rituals at Zaria. After the speech that led many to tears, OzzyBee in his usual element created a scene of excitement and ecstasy as he performed his Smile Again song and on popular demand Charlie Dance ft Vector & Ruggedman because of the crowd that came to dance with.
It was a colourful event as the kids had a wonderful opportunity to touch their icon and have a wonderful time with him.


