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ozzy | July 10, 2017

The Multi-Award winning superstar once again rocked the show for the third time at the Milo Basket Ball Championship, National Stadium Lagos alongside his big uncle and icon Phyno. He was their guest artiste at the Benin and Ibadan tournament  in 2015. The WonderKid was also the Special Guest Artiste in the just concluded edition of the tournament where he set fire on the stage performing alongside A-list artiste Phyno.

Shortly after his arrival to the venue, OzzyBee was called out as the mammoth crowd gave him a loud reception. He later  performed his heart lifting song SMILE AGAIN  which he dedicated to the Internally Displaced Children in the Northern Nigeria. After his beautiful performance everyone in the auditorium  stood up with a resounding applause. It was indeed fun galore as he joined uncle Phyno on the stage during his performance.


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Written by ozzy

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