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ozzy | July 20, 2016


A beautiful and memorable day as the OzzyBee a.k.a OzzyBosco WonderKid embarked on a colourful Stop Child Cruelty Campaign tour to GloB Tog where he was embraced by beautiful kids. The kids who were organizing their end of the year party expressed their excitement and readiness to support his pet project Stop Child Cruelty. After the beautiful children had welcomed OzzyBee and his team, Mummy B the founder of OzzyBosco Smile Foundation (OSF)came on stage to introduce OzzyBee and cheer up the children and their parents with her motivational speech. In her speech she encouraged parents to support their children. By telling them the story of the great superstar Ozzybee she steered up the crowd who joined her to sing the popular song Super Star by the Wonderkid. After the heartwarming speech by Mummy B to the cheering crowd, OzzyBee mounted the podium to deliver an emotional and expressive speech to the audience who were echoing in the background in affirmation to his powerful words. In his speech he highlighted the need to stop child cruelty and wickedness. He also pointed out the need for children to be kept safe. The children and their parents were happy when they witnessed his powerful music performance. As he performed Smile Again and his yet to be released rap song rap song Charlie dance featuring Vector and Ruggedman, the beautiful children joined him on stage to do the dance with him. It was a glamorous event indeed as everyone was full of smiles.


After his speech and musical performance OzzyBee gave beautiful caps to the teachers and school admin staff with endorsement materials. He also gave the parents and children materials as they rushed to support his project and endorse it.

Don’t feel left out, let’s support OzzyBee’s Stop Child Cruelty Campaign and help create awareness to keep our children safe. Endorse with your comments, likes and share.

Let the message go round STOP CHILD CRUELTY!!!!!

#Stopchildcruelty #Enoughisenough

#smileagain #Charliedance

Written by ozzy

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