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OzzyBee Shines at “Fit to Lead” Workshop 2018

ozzybee | July 24, 2018

OzzyBee stormed the “FIT TO LEAD” Workshop in honour of Ms Karima Rhanem where he became the star of the moment. The programme is aimed at educating and empowering youths to be politically aware of their roles in the political climate of the country and to be change agent.

The highlights of the occasion was when maestro, OzzyBee and his Moroccan mother Ms Karima Rhanem graced the dance floor to show off their smooth SHAKU SHAKU dance for his new single “Shake it”.

The event climaxed with the presentation of Certificates and Gift galore from his Moroccan Mum who is president, International Center for Diplomacy.

Subsequently, she paid a visit to OzzyBee’s humble home and office where she was warmly received by the artist and family members. She could not hide her love for Nigerian dishes as was treated to a taste of delicious plantain and grilled turkey.

It was a memorable day for OzzyBee a.k.a Ozzybosco WonderKid who expressed his joy on his facebook wall,

“WOW! Its wonderful! My sweet loving Mum, President Int’l Centre for Diplomacy Ms Karima Rhanem from Morocco visiting my office & home in Lagos, Nigeria. Its been ONE LOVE since our world crossed in Tanzania.
Guess What! She is enjoying Nigerian delicious plantain and grilled turkey  …come join us, there is enough for everyone.

Hmmmm! She’s leaving tomorrow for a conference in China. My Mumsy am missing you already. Look forward to seeing you November in Morocco. Bon Voyage.”

Written by ozzybee

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