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OzzyBee get Fatherly Endorsement from Former President Obasanjo

ozzy | October 10, 2017

6th August 2017 is a memorable day for our young superstar as he got a fatherly endorsement from His Excellency, former President of Nigeria, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo (GCFR) at the 2017 Archbishop Vining Memorial Church Lecture. The event which was pack full with dignitaries and attendees saw Baba pose with our artist for a photo shot before the start of lecture.


In the course of questions and answers, OzzyBee a.k.a OzzyBosco Wonderkid blew away the mind of Baba with a brilliant question and got a fatherly endorsement from H.E Chief Olusegun Obasanjo (GCFR).

Ozzy proceeded to give an exciting Baba a souvenir, who proceeded to adorn “I LOVE OZZYBEE” cap to the admiration of all present. H.E Chief Emeka Anyaoku, fmr Commonwealth Secretary General was highly delighted at OzzyBee’s courageous question to OBJ.

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From Ozzy’s desk to Baba…

Shout Out to my big Daddy, H.E Chief Olusegun Obasanjo (GCFR) who received a deserving Award from Archbishop Vining Memorial Church & H.E Chief Emeka Anyaoku for his eloquent speech.
Insert is my humble self admiring the legendary role models who made my day so HAPPY!!!!

Written by ozzy

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