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ozzy | July 7, 2016

It was a monumental outing for the African kid superstar, OzzyBee a.k.a OzzyBosco WonderKid as he emerges with the pilot edition of his TV magazine progrmme titled THE OZZYBEE SHOW.

The programme which featured top celebrities who were interviewed on set by OzzyBee in his multipurpose studio for this historic edition stands out as first of its kind in Africa. Such guests include the Bonsuwe Fiji mystro, Dr Adewale Ayuba; the legendary flutist, Dr Tee Mac; The Renowned Rapper Ruggedman; International artist from Malawi Zani Chell; Belinda Amao, head teacher Chrisland School Opebi; Joel-EL of Kennis Music; parents and children who represented the family segment.

The excited guests were so impressed & showered encomium on the young lad for introducing such an enlightening/fun filled programme. They did not leave the studio without personally & collectively endorsing OzzyBee’s pet project STOP CHILD CRUELTY.

Watch out for the magazine/TV show which shall be touching various aspects of the society including the family, social, cultural, economy and nation building.

OzzyBee says “am out to wow you with this innovation, thus i count on my great fans out there for the success of this dimensional drive” Who knows, you may be my next special guest on THE OZZYBEE SHOW!!!

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Written by ozzy

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